Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update! The brake lines are done!

The brake lines have been finished! It got a little hairy for a bit there, but I managed to pull it off. The lines are made from small gauge solder (Thanks again Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!) and some 1mm wide strips of Tamiya tape to hold them onto the landing gear struts. You can also see the cabin air inlets I drilled in both of the wing roots. I think they might need to be just a tad larger... You can also catch a glimpse of the Master Models machine gun fairings and blast tubes in the wings.

Work in Progress Update: AMtech P-40L

I managed to get some more work done on "Louie". The tail section was masked off and painted Model Master "Deep Yellow". The preshading shows through fairly well, some might say too much. I thought it would work well for a bird that was in North Africa. The wheels are glued on the landing gear and the tail wheel has been installed as well. I still need to paint the tail wheel well Zinc Chromate Green, which I will probably do by hand, just to save myself the trouble of masking it off. All of the touch up painting has been done. I've got a laundry list of things that still need to be done, including in no particular order: the radio aerial mast, the radio aerial, brake lines (Thanks Steve!), cowl flaps, sliding canopy section, radiator intake, exhausts, prop and spinner, and of course, the ring and bead gunsight. At some point I'll get to clear coating and decaling.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Work in progress: AMtech P-40L "Lighthouse Louie"

This is the AMtech boxing of the1/48th AMT/Ertl P-40F/L. It's going to be done up as "Lighthouse Louie", the mount of Lt. Col. Gordon H. Austin, commanding officer of the 325th Fighter Squadron, the "Checkertail Clan", in Tunisia in 1943.

*Yeah, I know there's some paint chipped off and a window missing :/

Model Showcase #2: Me-190 TL

This is the Planet Models Messerschmitt Me-109 TL in 1/72nd scale. It is an all resin kit from the Czech Republic. It was a lot of fun to build, even though it was my first resin kit. The canopy doesn't fit so well because it's from the Airfix 1/72nd Bf-109 G-6. The kit canopy was a vac-form piece that I managed to destroy while trimming the excess. Since the TL never got off the drawing board, I decided I could do an early was camo scheme using late war colors, and no one could tell me I was wrong! Haha! The under sides are LifeColor RLM 76 and the upper surfaces are a combination of LifeColor RLM 75 and 81.

I also thought it would look cool to have the landing gear half extended, as though it was just leaving the runway. The flying base is nothing more than a good old fashioned Games Workshop flying base. I think it turned out pretty well.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Model Showcase #1: P-51

I present to you my Accurate Miniatures P-51. First things first, "Slick Chick" was a P-51A that was used for flight testing in the U.S. during WWII. The decals for "SC" come in Accu Minis F-6B kit. The kit is not a P-51A, which I didn't figure out until I was about 95% finished. Aftermarket parts consist of a cockpit set from True Details, wheels from Ultracast, and photo-etch from Eduard. It is painted with various shades of aluminum from Model Master and Alcald.

A friend of mine routed the base for me, and the ground work is 220 grit sandpaper painted with several shades of gray, and diluted oil paints for the oil stains.


This is where I'll post photos of my recent builds and works in progress.